Here’s the thing about jobs…
Your wage will never go up dramatically. It’ll go up incrementally.
You might get an annual pay rise of 1%. 3% if you’re lucky.
You might get a promotion every few year. That’ll put an extra few grand on top. £1k-£3k, maybe.
Probably, your best chance of a decent pay rise would be to get a new job every 3-5 year. You could notch up to around £5k, maybe £10k more if you play your cards right.
But as long as you’re in your job, your wage won’t sky rocket. Even an extra £10k every 3 years isn’t huge, not really, and you won’t be able to sustain that kind of growth indefinitely. You’ll plato.
You’ll plato at £30k, £40k, £50k, £80k or £100k.
As long as you’re in a job, you’ll be on a wage. As long as your on a wage, you’re on a ladder. A ladder that moves up £2k or so with every step.
If you step off the ladder, you can have a chance at building more income. You have a stab at being in control of that income. The more you work, the bigger the pay rise. And instead of going from 30k – 32k you could go from 30k to 150k. And from £150k to £500k. And from £500k to £1m.
Your financial prosperity doesn’t lie in your job. It couldn’t be further away from it.