Why do we procrastinate and what can we do about it?
Even when we have something we know we need to do, we don’t do it. We put it off and swap it for something we’d rather be doing.
And that’s why we procrastinate; because there’s something we don’t really want to do and there’s something else we do want to do which we can choose to do instead.
The problem is, the thing you’d rather be doing is usually not as productive as the ting you need to do. The thing you need to do will take you forward to where you want to be. The thing you’d like to do is probably going to waste your time. Time that you won’t get back.
There’s a quiet piece of satisfaction you get from dong something you don’t want to do and seeing it through to the end. And at the end, you realise that it wasn’t as bad as you thought it’d be.
Sometimes the key is to do that thing first. Swallow a frog. Then it’s out the way.
The hardest part is realising you’re procrastinating and then doing something about it.