If you have a passion or a hidden talent that you want to turn into a business or develop so that you can reach your full potential, then sooner or later, that talent has to be revealed to the world.
Revealing this talent will have unexpected consequences on the people close to you – the people you work with, your friends, family. It’ll have consequences because they might not know you have this talent or passion. And when you reveal it, it might contradict their image of what they perceive you to be.
They might reject it. They might be jealous of it. They might criticise it or mock it.
But if you’re going to turn your passion full time, then that’s a hurdle that you’ll inevitably have to hop over.
Over time, those people will either get bored and stop, cut ties or support you. But in the end, you’ll be left only with the people that matter.
That passion has to become the centre point of your character. Is has to become who you are, not secretly who you want to be.
The question is, when do you want to get started?